
Showing posts with the label Cognitive Computing Technology

Cognitive Computing Technology Market 2019-2026 | Top Prominent Key Players like SparkCognition, Expert System, Microsoft, IBM, Numenta, DeepMind Technologies, Cisco Systems, CustomerMatrix, CognitiveScale, and HP

Cognitive computing technology helps to process volumes of complex data, thereby inadvertently enhancing the enterprise's productivity levels. Cognitive computing is considered as a next-generation system that converses in human language and helps experts to make better decisions by understanding the complexities of big data. In the current scenario, most of the data received is unstructured such as images, videos, natural language, and symbols. Cognitive computing technology market, with the help of different technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning and automated reasoning, translates unstructured data to sense, infer and predict the best solution. Global Cognitive Computing Technology Market is expected to generate revenue of $13.8 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of +34% during the forecast period of 2019 - 2026. Top Key Players: SparkCognition Inc (U.S.), Expert System S.p.A. (Italy), Microsoft Corporation (U.S.), International ...