Mobile Value-Added Services Market Research Report: Know Top Vendors likes AT&T, Apple, Google, Vodafone, Mahindra Comviva, and Inmobi
The mobile value-added services (MVAS) refer to the non-basic services offered in the telecommunications sector. All services, except voice calls and fax transmissions, are considered value-added mobile services. These services can be used to promote the main business of a telecommunications operator. Mobile value-added services act as a catalyst for mobile subscribers to use their mobile device to allow the operator to improve their average revenue per user. There are different categories of mobile value-added services that include utility VAS, music, video search, social networks, m-Education and infotainment. Global mobile value-added services market is forecasted to reach a figure of about US$ +698,900 Mn in 2026 and is poised to exhibit a robust CAGR in the forecast period. Get Sample Copy of Report @ Top Key Vendors: The Major players reported in the market include: AT&T, Apple, Goo...